My Kind of Crazy Weekend… a 200km Bicycle ride!
Adventures are addictive!
Especially those where you have faith in your abilities, there is a kick in your mind to try new things, and a little bit of support and encouragement by 1-2 people!
….. and in some cases, you are not trained for it, have any past experience or knowledge… you wish to attempt the adventure…..which, by definition, comes under “Crazy”.
So here is my experience of Crazy.
I have been running at 5-10K events since March 2015. After a year of running, I trained for 21km (half marathon) for 3 months and attempted one on June 18th, and completed in 2:35 mins.
Since then have done 12 half marathons in 8 months across Cherrapunji, Hyderabad, Chennai, Bombay, Mysore, Auroville (Pondicherry), and six in Bangalore.
In Feb, was following the Indian athletes completing the Ultraman – 10km swim, 420km cycling and 84km running in 36 hrs.. was inspired to the sky at atleast attempt a basic triathlon in a year or two.
On 15th March, I completed 31years, and was wondering what new to be done this year. Last year was the year of half marathons. This year should be different. Did some research and saw some friends doing some fancy stuff on cycles called brevets and randonneuring, etc. asked a friend what’s it – he said its cycling 200-300-400-600-1200kms within a cut-off time! I felt these people are crazy.
Three days later, Asutosh (a cyclist + runner + friend) had put up some post and I asked him, can you explain what a brevet is? Instead of explaining. he said let’s do a 200 brevet, happening next week.
I was like – are you mad? I haven’t cycled more than 39kms, and that was in August 2016. He said, dude you can do half marathons so this should be easy! And that’s when I got my Crazy.
Started searching bike rentals in Bangalore. Went to stores like Procycle, Giant Starken, RR cycles, Shah Cycles, etc Procycle had a weekend ride of 30 kms at very easy pace. So did that on one of the weekends just to get the body used to it.
Finally Registered for Audax India – Bangalore Randonneurs Brevet. Midnight Mandya 200. A ride from Bangalore to Mandya and back – to be completed in 13.5hrs (inclusive of dinner, rest, etc)
The whole week tried to squeeze out time from work to see cycles, buy gear and read about it.
Finally rented a beautiful bicycle – A Bianchi Via Nirone 7. Road Bike, from Italy. Beautiful, Sturdy, Friendly and built for Endurance. This was the first time I ever tried riding a road bike (it has a different geometry, smaller tyres, racing handlebar and gear system that usually recreational cyclists are not used to). For 2 days, did 10km each to get my body used to the angle and seating.
Finally the Big Day arrived!
Apart from the cycling gear like padded shorts, tee, helmet & gloves; wore a reflective jacket. Carried a bottle of water and a bottle of concentrated Gatorade + ice tea, dry fruits, chocolate bars, sugar candies, etc. also carried tool kit, puncture kit, 2 spare tubes, front and rear LED lights, mobile phone, charger and a powerbank.
I had booked an Uber to carry cycle to the start point, but it didn’t work out, so I had to ride 8kms. Took it easy, and reached the venue.
Assembled at Airlines Hotel at 4pm.
The inspiration and my guide for this brevet - Asutosh Bellur.
The event was scheduled between 6pm-730am. So to get a finishers medal, one has to reach by 730am.
Butterflies in the tummy. There were about 36 riders. 27 of them first timers. But everyone except me had done at least 100kms or were daily commuters. I was the only idiot out there.
So we got our registration cards for stamping at control points, briefing, had a sandwich, and filled water in the bottles before we started off.
And we started at 6.10 pm… with the countdown of 13.5hrs… and my target was to be back by 7.40am.
The average speed required – 15km/hr. and assuming we will have breaks for dinner, stretching, small bites, and at U-Turn point, the assumption was 12 hrs of riding and 1.5hrs break. So the avg riding speed required was 16.67km/hr for 12 hrs. quite a challenge, but had the target in mind all throughout the ride.
Flag OFF & Ride Begins:
0-20km a tiring ride through the city, full of pollution, buses, two wheelers and cars who don’t give a shit for cyclists. Took about 1 hr 15 mins to cross 20 kms. Already behind schedule. The groups were formed and lot of similar speed rider went together. I was almost in the end, thanks to no experience riding in such traffic and in the dark. But I tried.
21-40km was a transitioning time. From the city traffic to Bangalore- Mysore highway, the road quality changed, type of traffic changed. I followed the left lane and was comfortable at a speed of 20km/hr. at around the 35km mark, made a friend. Saurabh commutes on his bicycle to work. And this was his first attempt too. We decided to ride together and help if needed. 2 hr 10 mins done, 40 kms reached. 40km was my longest ride ever, surpassing the 39kms few months ago.
41-60km my neck and butt started to have some discomfort. The wind was cooler, the traffic faster, and body was hungry. So we decided to have dinner at about 930pm. We found another group waiting near Kamat Hotel and joined them. All of us had Jowar Roti Thali. Heavy dinner as 140more kms left. The service was super slow and we took a 50 min dinner break instead of 25 min as planned. Body was already tired because of the waiting, as it was losing the rhythm. Total time, 4hrs gone, 9.5 left.
61-80km was a good experience. We cruised through the road and managed a steady speed of 23km/hr. I was very positive about the brevet at this stage. But, but but…. at the end of 80kms, Saurabh got a mild cramp and we had to take a 10 min break.
81-100km mind games started. Both of us felt extremely tired and at one point, thought of completing 100kms and end it there. That thought was a mistake as the mind kept telling us how tired we are and even the last 8kms looked strenuous. We checked the map and finally reached the U-turn point. Body drained out, 5 hrs 45 mins passed and signs of cramps for me too. AT the u-turn point, got a good stretch by Jins, the organizer. Relaxed for 20 mins, ate biscuits and banana, drank half litre Gatorade, and some pep talks by fellow cyclists. 1am was the cut-off for U-turn and we saw some more cyclists complete this and all of us started out at 1.10am.
Till now, my 100kms took 7 hrs (including rest, dinner, breaks)
Now, the target was 100kms in 6hrs 30 mins. Required speed 15.3kms/hr. Energy levels – 30%, Enthusiasm – 75%, Conviction – 100%
101-120 km was full of minor tragedies. Saurabh’s pedal came off thrice, and to fix it we spent 35mins in total. Riding was normal but time was not a luxury we had. Roads were empty and winds were against us. He was losing hope and I was also confused on the way forward. Do I ride alone if he goes? Not sure. 20 kms took 95 mins.
121-140 km was a test for Saurabh. He was not able to ride. It was a hybrid cycle, with a bad pedal and his will power draining at each kilometer. We tried to push each other, but at 136km, we reached Ramanagara, and he quit. He said he will put his bicycle in a truck or a tempo and leave. Asked me to join too, but I was managing to ride, overcoming the mild cramp like feeling. “I cannot quit, I should not quit, I will not quit” was all I could think. 9 hours done, 4.5 to go. I started riding alone.
141-160km The Make or Break Stretch for me. At 146km I got cramp in my left thigh. I had given up… I called up Asutosh – he had reached home by now after completing his 200kms. I still had 54kms to go in 4 hrs. he said don’t quit. Just drink a lot of water, stretch out a lot and start. I said to myself – even if I don’t finish in the cut-off, its fine, but I gotta do 200kms! Was cursing Uber for not working out and making me ride 8kms extra in 35degrees at 330pm! Vented out, screamed and had a few tears, but I started.
Hooligans entered the scene and almost threw me off the road. 3 scooters and 8 guys, all drunk and shouting and singing in Kannada. I smiled and waved at them, and they left. Later I heard that these guys have irritated a lot of riders. Two girls had encountered these hooligans and had a fight on their ride.
I felt like hiring a tempo and going back home. This was not something I expected.
Changed gears to minimum and did my best to not strain the thighs. Negativity was building up.
In the midst of all this, a funny incident happened too. Saw a cat crossing the road and thought its probably a cheetah, and in panic, started riding at full speed. Brain, I tell you!
Finished 160km and felt good – 80% job done. Slept on the road for 10 mins, did some yoga asanas to relax my back and neck, ate dry fruits. I called up one of the organizers and said 40kms and 3 hrs, I don’t think I’ll be able to meet the cut-off. He said don’t worry, just finish it. He did some pep talk and got me in a good mood. He said quitting is not an option here, unless there is any medical emergency.
Took out time to click a pic!
161-180km The Trance Ride. The pep talk helped. The next 16kms were something else. I don’t know what happened, when and how, but managed 16kms at a steady pace, I don’t remember anything here. All I know is I was trying to tell myself I am not a quitter. Also, was thinking about how awesome it will be to put this up on Facebook and other social media and probably inspire at least one human being. 12.5 hrs done, 180kms. Now I had 1 hr, 20 km, Bangalore traffic, 900mtrs steep inclines and a body without any energy.
The final 20kms.
Every kilometre was a challenge. Incline roads, traffic started as it was 630am, lots of buses, and d-grade roads of Bangalore. The highway was over and I had 17more kms left, with 2 major flyovers and city traffic waiting.
I called up my wife and told her the status. She said she will join me at the end point. That was a great push. Toiled hard to cover each km. Then I saw the watch, and it was 7.40am and I still had 7kms left. I had missed the cut-off. I had a broken heart. But the will power didn’t leave me. I called up the organizers and told them I am 7kms away, they said come in, don’t worry.
Then I hit the flyover, a long one, and cruised on it. Last 3 kms left. Wife messaged that she is reaching in 15 mins. I gave myself a target of 15 mins for 3 kms. At that stage, the mind body soul was all working on one goal – 200kms. And then, after 14 hrs 12 minutes, I made it!
Yes, I completed a 203km ride in 14 hrs, 12 mins. Missed the cut-off by 42 mins, no medal, but the happiness it gave me was incomparable. Adding on to that the happiness on the face of my wife was something else, it made me forget all the pain and stress. This was the most unforgettable, probably the most physically and mentally draining adventure I had done. I felt like a winner.
The organizers had left by then, but they cross checked data, asked me to send a selfie from the end point, etc and have given my ride a Late Finish status. But yes, I finished 200kms!
And what a coincidence, my ride distance (including the 8km commute to the start point), was 211kms. Equalling 10 half marathons.
Ended the ride with lots of food, to replenish the 3000 kcals burnt during the ride. 1 dosa, 1 vada, 1 idly, 1 upma, 1 sheera, 1 watermelon juice and 1 mosambi juice! That was an achievement.
Long post, but yeah, it captures most of my experiences in this crazy adventure.
Event details:
Route map:
Ride stats –
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