Tried the TRI ....

I have to admit, Triathlons are for the crazy people... We hear about triathlons, ironman races, etc... for those who may not be aware of it, a triathlon is a mix of 3 sports - Starts with Swimming, Then ride a Bicycle and finally Run... There are various distances and here is a glimpse of it: So now, to my story! Last few years, Ironman has been a trending topic in the running fraternity, thanks to Milind Soman inspiring millions. I wondered, should I even attempt this sport (not the Ironman, but the easiest of them all - the sprint or super sprint distance?).. and there I decided to attempt a triathlon in future. This Year, in Feb, I heard a new term - the Ultraman! It is double the Ironman distance, and I was shocked to see some of the athletes from India not just attempting it, but doing really well... that was the single most inspiring news. So I started reading and researching about the sport. Swimming - till 1st May, 2017, the maximum i could swim was abou...