Half Iron Triathlon, Done!

Last year, I had posted about my first triathlon, an Olympic distance. This Year, I TRI’d the next level, the Half Iron Distance Triathlon at the Deccan Triathlon in Kolhapur . Swim in a lake – 1900m, Cycling on the highway – 90km, Running – 21.1km. The time taken was not so great, but as a first attempt, and not being in the prime of my health, I’ll be happy with it. The blog is written mainly with the intention of helping those who wish to start triathlon training, and hence the technical jargons will be kept on the lower side. Starting the Journey Having done about 20 half marathons, it was getting a little boring to just run, that’s when the triathlon bug hit me. I learnt swimming, did a full marathon to test my endurance, and also did a 200km cycle ride. All this was to see if I can push myself for such long distance events that usually lasts 6-10 hours. The distances in a triathlon: My swim training, cycling rides as well as triathlon camps are all...